Friday, April 24, 2009


A spot .
Small and insignificant .
Of what lived understood .
Unseen , understated , miscomprehended .

A spot .
Makes Differences .
Makes something perfect ,imperfect .
Makes something beautiful, not .

How long can this spot make its influence ,
Depends on how long it took for one to understand ,
The difference one spot can make .
Impurity , imperfection , totally distinguished .

A difference ,an infinity .
Ended with this one spot .

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Biology : Rapid transformation

This Video is done when people start getting curious about skeletons . =]

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Keep me heart ,
Hold me light ,
So innocent .
King of love ,
Lord most high
So beautiful ,
So loved .
Glowing star .
Keep my heart .

Lovely ,
how beautiful you are .
Love me ,
knowing the splendour of thy heart.

Little did I know,
How much more ,
I survived ,
solely because of you .

distinguished between beauty ... .. . .  .
and the broken ... . .. . .  .   .   .    .    . 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wings again

Sometimes i wonder . why do i desire to have wings that much ,
its like abnormal .
spastic thoughts are just the beginning .
question , questions , questionss .


The desire is back . especially when i'm wearing my green oversized sweater.
I'll wear it tomorrow . cause seriously i look more comfortable in it .

I went to the shaver today . no a barber particularly .
cause i was mostly shaved .

I was scolded 5 mins straight by the headmaster in his office .
and it seemed like a ages inside . 
Its been really long since i've gotten any diciplinary problems.
and of all of the things ..... hair.

I mean come -on .. . . ... .   .  . . . .. . .. .. .... ........
I was starting to enjoy long-er hair .( it wasn't really that long)
but anyway , one thing my headmaster said hit me .
" You are not from this school are you ? why don't you go back to your former school , than come here and give me trouble."

It hurts though .
I was beggining to feel at home in molek .

oh yeah , i took a photo hugging a guy . 
i know it sounds gay ,
it was just for fun .
I really like girls in the inside , not 1 bit gayish .
and seriously , i'm very against gays .

Valiante Vinceo

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