Sunday, April 24, 2011

#14 Things you probably would never know.

When I think of you, you sometimes burn a hole straight through my brain. Thats how frustrating it is to deal with your "silences". Though sometimes its just that i'm forgotten. Hahaha... oh well.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



A lil update on life. Life is good , at the moment. It will soon take a down turn I predict.

1. I got my results.

I got my GPA for my first year. I was very very very very very very very disfiguredly unhappy. It is as if I could frown at my results till my face become disfigured. Instead of getting the 3.80/4 .0 I expected to get, my results dropped to 3.68. To many this is pretty much acceptable. However I am at large a very dissatisfied man due to the reason why I got such despairing results. It was because of my digital rendering ( 3ds Max).

We, students, are required to hand up 4 soft copies of the assignments, and 4 hard copies of the assignments. 4 soft copies handed up , Checked. 4 hard copies handed up, checked.

Results came up, all As , 1B+ for autocad drawing, and a "D" for Digital Rendering?

Found out, I have an incomplete submission. Only 3 of the 4 hard copies were received by the lecturer. Someone or somehow, after I handed it up , took it, or it was dropped to some corner like we see in cartoons of how objects are being dropped around and ended up in totally unfathomable places.

However through this I've learnt, when I put my trust in grades, God will not let me go on.

Conclusion, I will hereby put my trust in God, and enjoy the process of learning design, which is subjectively graded. Haha to the Irony of arts. =]

Valiante Vinceo.

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