First , I send you a message. Then you misunderstood it as a message with purpose of chasing you. So , you don't reply. Then I feel funny, because to me , that message is just me being friendly,casual , random. After that, I feel that you're trying to hide from me, like you hate me, give me weird and cold faces. Though you don't hate me actually. I start to forget how to treat you normal . I become " Unable To Function" in front of you. After awhile, you feel fine, give me a smile. and we're good again. Then , I send you a normal friendly message. The circle theory goes again.
dedicated to you ,
you know who you are.
Now I'm asking you , will you trust me that everything I do unto you from this day on , has no deeper reasons than that of you are my friend, my good friend , and nothing more. I expect nothing from you. Just trust me and maybe you will break this Circle theory.
I'm going to leave soon. Just give me a break , okay ?
I've understood . But will it be enough ?
Just today.
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