Saturday, August 21, 2010

It is time.

After some talks and consideration, I've come to a conclusion where I need to face the man in the mirror again. I have to look deeper this time. I've to know him better, because I know all but enough of him. I'll conquer him, and control him. I must , I must. God , help me.

Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.

Help me Lord, for these feelings are hard for me. Please take them away. I surrender it up to you, every single bit of feelings, every part of my soul she conquered. Lord, renew me, make me new. Help me grow stronger, and steadfast in your love. Help rely on your merciful arms of grace.
Unto you, I lay my burdens, my fears, my foolish love. Away from me shall my romance part, till the day you choose to open your mouth and announce "it is time"that I shall once again awaken my romance.

Put to sleep in me, that hungry being , lost for affection, disgraced by imperfections.

Thank you.


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