Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011

Dear 2010,
You have been more than a friend, and more than an enemy to me. Its been awfully delightful to experience you in different ways that I imagined, and maybe in ways I don't want to imagine. Its been both a pleasure and disgrace. It is in such stance I bid thee farewell, knowing I shall never see you again, and I'll never be the same. Thank you, I hate you.

hahahaha.... stupid words aye. Just let me bask in my rays of stupidity for a moment........ okay done.

Q1. What have you learnt in the past year?
A1. I've learn to be more mature, to understand that I have responsibilities to uphold and people are watching my every move. Furthermore, some people are following my foot steps. So I must be careful. Other than that, I've learnt to be careful when it come to trust, because it turns around and bite you hard when you out it in the wrong place.

I've also learnt that relationships are to be halted for me, for the moment. I mean I've been trying to understand for years why, but now I really do understand. And I believe she wants the same too.

I've also realized that I am seriously, seriously, seriously incapable of "maturing" or "moving" a relationship in my current stage of character growth. In other words, I see now that I really am not ready. ( to you guys that are reading this and think i'm so nutso. I did have problem understand, but i'm done)

Its been a nice day, Have to stop thinking and shut down.

Vincent: out.

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